Dowling College is announcing tuition-reduction scholarships
Advanced Certificate in Computers in Education (Global) - online.
The scholarships are offered to individuals who are interested in being part of the 2012 cohort - Advanced Certificate Computers in Education (Global). This is an international cohort where US candidates will have the opportunity to share classes with international candidates. Top professors in the area.
This program includes a course of study structured by the cohort process.
Attending online classes and share classes with International candidates
Program runs from Sept 1, 2011- July 2012
Being supported by a peer group - cohort style
Building on what you learned from one semester to the next, never having to cover "old ground"
Never worrying about which courses to take or when courses will be offered
To see complete information about the reduced scholarship (regular price is 27,000 for 24 credits) or apply see the website:
Questions? contact (Ms. Diane Impagliazzo).