Call for Public Feedback on Possible Additions to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts

Call for Public Feedback on Possible Additions to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts

The Board of Regents would like your feedback on recommended student expectations to add to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects that were adopted in July 2010. Directions for completing the survey, the related materials, and a link to the survey are all available on this page. The surveys will be available from October 20th to November 29th, 2010. 

Note: No recommendations were made for the grades 6-12 literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects section, which will be reviewed by a group of content-area teachers this fall. 

On July 19th, 2010, New York State adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects and CCSS for Mathematics. To support the state’s adoption plan, from July 20th-23rd, 2010, a group of P-12 and higher education English Language Arts and Mathematics practitioners met in Albany to analyze the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and Mathematics to determine if there are necessary additions for New York State (up to 15% of the whole). The recommended additions to the CCSS for ELA were developed for all students, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities, with the understanding that guidance materials will be developed for teachers of students in special populations. During the meeting, the group also developed recommended prekindergarten standards for the year prior to kindergarten. The Workgroup’s P-12 ELA recommendations are available below in a summary of their suggestions and in separate documents.

Please note that the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects have already been adopted by the Board of Regents; therefore, the text of the Common Core cannot be amended or changed. All recommendations you will make will be in regards to suggested additions to the Common Core, which if approved, will be combined with the Common Core to create a new Prekindergarten-grade 12 set of NY State ELA/Literacy Standards in early 2011.

The following draft documents are available for your review as you provide feedback through the survey:

  • The ELA Workgroup’s Executive Summary, which includes an overview of the July recommendations  PDF (pdf document 75.64 KB)
  • The draft Prekindergarten ELA recommended additions PDF (pdf document 173.01 KB)
  • The draft standards and grade-level draft expectations recommended by the ELA Workgroup all in one document (embedded within the K-12 Common Core document) PDF(pdf document 750.84 KB) or in separate documents:
  • Additions for Responding to Literature Reading P-12 PDF (pdf document 70.92 KB)
  • Additions for Responding to Literature Writing 5-12 PDF (pdf document 66.16 KB)
  • Additions for Inquiry PDF (pdf document 84.66 KB)
  • Additions for Culture and Diversity PDF (pdf document484.73 KB)

The nine survey questions include a combination of multiple-choice questions and open-ended comment boxes. After we receive field input, the Department will summarize the responses, make necessary revisions, and share the draft with the Board of Regents for their review prior to acting on a new set of P-12 English Language Arts Learning Standards in January 2011.

To complete the survey, please go to 

Thank you for your time and expertise. If you are not able to complete an electronic response, you may send a typed response to

Att: Erik Sweet, English Language Arts Associate
Office of Curriculum and Instruction
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue 
Room EB 320
Albany, New York 12234

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