The Three Habits of Highly Successful Reading Teachers: A Quick and Easy Approach to Helping All Students Succeed
By Megan Milani
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Based on the belief that "we haven't taught it until our students have learned it," The 3 Habits of Highly Successful Reading Teachers shows teachers how to create an environment where students feel comfortable, appreciated, and safe.
This timely book offers a host of strategies for making early language instruction meaningful to children and argues that successful teachers (1) believe in their students, (2) teach and review high-frequency words and letter sounds daily, and (3) assess their students so as to inform further instruction.
Chapter 1: Habit 1: Believing in Your Students
Chapter 2: Habit 2: The Reading Components
Chapter 3: Habit 3: Assessment
Chapter 4: Implementing the Habits
Chapter 5: The Habits by Grade
Final Thoughts: Creating the Optimal Environment