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Wisconsin's public university system will start granting some degrees based on testing instead of credits, and letting you use as much of the school as you want for a flat fee. Schools around the country are watching.
The credit-hour has long been the fundamental currency of higher education. Pay your way through the required time in a course and earn a passing grade, and eventually with the right number and combination of credits, you get your degree--usually in two or four years.
But what if you could earn a degree as quickly or slowly as you can learn, regardless of whether you plodded through 80 hours in a classroom lecture?
That could be the next wave of higher education, as schools come under more pressure to cut costs while proving the value of expensive degrees and competing with the growing number of high-quality free online courses. Call it the decoupling of instruction and testing.
What if you could earn a degree as quickly or slowly as you can learn?
The disruptive idea is called “competency-based education,” and it’s gaining ground in the higher education world. A small handful of universities, such as Southern New Hampshire University, Northern Arizona University, and Western Governors University, are at the vanguard of this new model. The concept got a major endorsement in March when the U.S. Department of Education issued a letter to encourage schools to apply for accreditation for these experimental programs.
The most closely watched test so far is now set to launch in November as the University of Wisconsin system begins accepting applications for its new “Flex Option” degrees.
The program is targeted at more than 700,000 Wisconsin adults who never attempted or finished their diplomas, and is meant to help them jump in and get degrees at their own pace. The first available degrees are a liberal arts associates degree from University of Wisconsin Colleges; B.S. degrees in biomedical sciences diagnostic imaging, information science and technology, and nursing from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, as well as a certificate in business and technical communication. But the options will probably soon expand.
The model is fundamentally different, however, than any other adult bachelor programs that you’ve heard of. Students will pay a flat subscription fee of $2,250 for three month’s of “all you can eat” access. During that time. they’ll be able to use the school’s instructional content online, its advisors, and other resources. More importantly, they’ll be welcome to try to pass as many “competency tests” as they want.
In theory, students could wrap up an entire degree in three months without touching any official course material.
In theory, students could wrap up an entire degree in three months without touching any official course material--perhaps because they chose to get their learning elsewhere or already know most of the required information through their professional careers. There will also be a cheaper $900 option for students who want to focus on one skill for each three-month period while balancing other life demands.
There are, of course, enormous challenges in making the Flex Option work, and there will rigorous evaluation of retention and graduation rates in its initial years. “We are in essence creating a virtual university--a new one,” says Ray Cross, Chancellor of UW Colleges and UW-Extension. “What is a full-time student in a self-paced competency-based model? Well, we’ve got to define that.”
Only 10 students will be accepted for each degree program in January 2014, but as the program expands, Cross says the “sky is the limit,” especially given how many students are open to self-taught online courses around the world.
Traditional higher education at this point is not scalable, and this has the potential to be incredibly transformative.
The program’s goal is to break even and be self-supporting within six years. The key factor, in addition to whether it can maintain quality, will be how “scalable” it ends up being and how many new students it helps the school system reach, says Cross. “Traditional higher education at this point is not scalable ... and this has the potential to be incredibly transformative, if it is scalable. If it’s not, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort.”
A number of professors and instructors, whose direct value is not as obvious in a model that values independent, engaged learning more than falling asleep in class, have deep skepticism about the idea. As The Chronicle of Higher Education puts it, the fear is that if the tests are not rigorous enough or do not test for the right kinds of learning, then the program could just become just another “diploma mill.”
Many others in the higher education world will be watching. The Lumina Foundation just awarded the university a $1.25 million grant to evaluate the program and document its creation so that it can be replicated at other schools. And Cross says that he’s already gotten inquiries from many other schools around the country. “They are waiting for us to pave the way--to find out if our model works,” he says.
For public universities, new ways of thinking about fundamental business models are becoming a necessity. “Our reliance on state funding is shrinking, and that’s true in every state that I'm aware of,” says Cross. “But it’s increasingly difficult for students to afford higher education costs at all levels. That is not a sustainable trend. It just is not. We need to seek alternatives.”
He’s not writing an obituary for the traditional college degree yet, however--he foresees an expansion of the Wisconsin systems reach, even internationally. “Traditional models of higher education [aren’t] going to go away--not at all. It just means that if we are going to serve the public in its entirety, we’re going to have to do something differently.”
[Image via Shutterstock]
Only an idiot would characterize a competency with all you can eat! And the model is hardly new - it was the model of continuing education in the 1920's when Columbia created "General Studies" and Harvard played out Dr. Elliott's Five Foot Shelf. And, for that matter, it was also the paradigm for Chicago's Great Books. Just because Ford motors used "seat time" to pay line staff, there was never a reasonable equivalent in academic achievement, in spite of the production line organization.
And to limit that "competency" to tests is equally absurd. High scores do not assure high achievement in most professions: just as correlation is not the same thing as cause. Tests are modestly reasonable measures of how much data are available to any thinker at any time, but, practically, they should accommodate students who know how to use their cell phones and query the web just as much as they demand recall. They won't because, as the innovators of the '20's and later so well discovered, schools (and colleges, and universities) exist to hire teachers (and professors) rather than assure the next generation maximum opportunity.
By the way, when we explored "microteaching" in the 1960's we were well aware that time-on-task is not a useful measure of tasks-accomplished. In that decade we invented "open colleges" and other performance-based certification and didn't even have the "big data" that now suffuse every bureaucracy from the Wisconsin "system" to the NSA. It is remarkably easy to create and to maintain clear, comprehensive and useful metrics for career readiness - but it's not done in education, but, rather, in labor. Dig up the stuff by SCANS before you shoot down performance-based metrics.
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