A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
Time: March 27, 2015 from 8:30am to 2:30pm
Location: Melville Marriott
Website or Map: http://www.liascd.org
Event Type: conference
Organized By: LIASCD
Latest Activity: Mar 15, 2015
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A Full-Day Workshop with:
Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman
Got Data, Now What?
"All the data analysis skills in the world have little impact without the ability to frame and shape conversations about that data with teachers, individually and collectively" (Wellman & Lipton, 2004)
LIASCD is delighted to offer Long Island educators the opportunity to spend a full day with Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman. Laura is an international consultant whose writing, research and seminars focus on effective and innovative instructional practices and on building professional and organizational capacities for enhanced learning. Laura engages with schools and school districts, designing and conducting workshops on learning-focused instruction, literacy development and strategies to support beginning teachers. She facilitates organizational adaptivity and learning through training and development in data-driven dialogue, group development, action research and learning-focused collaborations. Laura is the author and co-author of numerous publications related to organizational and professional development, learning-focused schools and literacy development.
Bruce consults and presents for school systems, professional groups and organizations throughout the United States and Canada, presenting workshops and courses for teachers and administrators on interactive/collaborative instruction, thinking skills development, learning-focused conversations for supervisors and mentors, presentation skills and facilitating collaborative groups. Bruce has served as a classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator and staff developer in the Oberlin, Ohio and Concord, Massachusetts Public Schools. He holds a B.A. degree from Antioch College and a M.Ed. from Lesley College.
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