A Network Connecting School Leaders From Around The Globe
Time: July 17, 2012 from 3pm to 4pm
Location: Webinar
Website or Map: http://mailto:mconley@air.org
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Shared by: Blanca Duarte Martini
Latest Activity: Jul 13, 2012
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Hi everyone, I wanted to share the following CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) event with you. August is Connected Educator Month. The US Department of Educator is announcing their connected educator website aimed at helping educators and school districts in touch with what is going on around the country. Connect with others and learn. There will be two special informational and planning webinars for interested school districts on Tuesday, June 17 3-4 PM ET and Wednesday July 25 2-3PM ET. Please tweet, re-share and send to your curriculum directors, technology personnel and teacher leaders. Marshal Conley is an American Institute for Research educator working with the US Dept of Ed. Feel free to contact him mconley@air.org or contact me at bduarte@logicwing.com for more information. The following is the email I received from CoSN: |
Dear Blanca, The US Department of Education has declared August Connected Educator Month, aimed at broadening and deepening educator participation in online communities and networks while providing opportunities for education leaders to work together to move the field forward. CEM will be celebrated with four-plus weeks of online events and activities, including forums, webinars, guided tours, open houses, contests, badges, and more. More than 50 major national education organizations, communities, and companies have committed to participate. There will be special informational and planning webinars for interested school districts on Tuesday, July 17 3-4 PM ET and Wednesday, June 25 2-3 PM ET. This is a terrific opportunity to think about how your district can promote this effort during your “back-to-school” professional development for your teachers/administrators. For access instructions and other information about these webinars please contact Marshal Conley at mconley@air.org. Sincerely, ![]() Keith Krueger Chief Executive Officer Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) keith@cosn.org |
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