Bradford H. Turnow


Center Moriches, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Tell our School Leadership 2.0 community a little bit about yourself. Feel free to post your email address and website. Also feel free to list your areas of interest. This will help other members dialogue with you.
Hello, I am the K-5 technology teacher at Clayton Huey Elementary School in Center Moriches and part of the district's technology department. I also sit on our school's technology committee and we are always looking for new and affordable ways of introducing more technology into our school district. I am also looking for new, fun, and exciting ways of incorporating technology into our curriculum. I look forward to learning more and sharing more with this digital community. I can be reached at

Comment Wall:

  • Carole L. Polney

    Hi Brad, Remember me as your favorite Dowling professor?? LOL