Dr. Larry Aronstein
United States
Profile Information:
- Tell our School Leadership 2.0 community a little bit about yourself. Feel free to post your email address and website. Also feel free to list your areas of interest. This will help other members dialogue with you.
- I am a retired Long Island superintendent and founder of Educational Performance Consultants. I coach new and aspiring school leaders and teachers in how to get that leadership position and be successful in it by helping them prepare their resumes and cover letters, and teaching tried and tested interviewing strategies. You can contact me at larryaronstein@yahoo.com
- What is your present job title?
- Consultant
- At what school level do you work?
- K-12
- Where do you work?
- Nassau County NY, Suffolk County NY
Tina M. Smith
Glad to be in your group...looking forward to future workshops and learning from my colleagues.
Mar 22, 2016
James Williams
I was hopeful that you are still taking part in 1:1 interview coaching. I have sat with you in the past and was looking to capitalize on your expertise once again. If so could you please email me at jimbosupt@yahoo.com.
Aug 23, 2017
Stefanie Norris, MSpEd.
Unfortunately, I did not see this seminar that you were offering on March 20 before. Will you be offering another in the very near future? As an aspiring administrator, I would be interested in attending.
Stefanie Norris
Mar 30, 2018