Interactive Worksheets for all Languages and Subjects


Interactive Worksheets For all Languages and Subjects

LiveWorksheets allows you to transform your traditional printable worksheets and classwork (doc, pdf, jpgs) and turn them into interactive online exercises with automatic grading, making them... live!  An amazing tool for students, teachers, and schools!

From Larry Ferlazzo:

Today, I “rediscovered” another site that will be extremely useful in my ELL Newcomers class – LiveWorksheets!

It definitely looks different – and better – then it did when I originally saw it several years ago.

It has zillions of interactive worksheets, which can be easily integrated with Google Classroom.

But, since I only have ELL Newcomers use computers for preparing presentations or for individual practice, where the site really shines for me is that these worksheets can be printed out for free!

There’s not quite the number of options that are available at the islCollective, but there are a ton. And, though I love the islCollective, I have to say the LiveWorksheets process for printing seems a bit more streamlined.

I’ll continue to use both sites, and it’s always nice to have options