An Event Not to Be Missed! - Inaugural virtual and worldwide School Leadership Summit, Thursday, March 28th, 2013

SL 2.0 Editor's Note:  

To Attend:
The Summit is held online using Blackboard Collaborate and open to anyone to attend.  The conference schedule is kept current at and during the conference will be viewable by specific world time zones. During the conference each session will also have a specific link to the Blackboard Collaborate room for the session, as well as instructions for using Collaborate (which works on all major computer platforms).

The Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership (TICAL) and Steve Hargadon are pleased to announce the inaugural virtual and worldwide School Leadership Summit, Thursday, March 28th, 2013. This free conference will be held online and will be a unique chance to participate in a collaborative global conversation on school leadership with presentations by your peers. It is being co-chaired by Steve Hargadon, whose virtual educational conferences had over 100,000 attendee logins last year.

Download a flyer to share with your colleagues.

To be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please join the Admin 2.0 network and conference website at Follow summit discussions on Twitter as well at #sls13. Conference strands (aligned to the internationally-recognized ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Administrators) will include the leadership topics:

  • Vision in a Changing World
  • Teaching and Learning in a Changing World
  • Professional Learning in a Changing World
  • Data-driven Reform in a Changing World
  • Ethical and Responsible Use in a Changing World


The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects related to leadership in a changing world. Topics are likely to include: expert advice and/or successful practices relating to Common Core; digital textbooks; school reform; tablet devices for teaching, learning, and productivity; social networking; professional development; "flipped" classrooms; digital citizenship and literacies; global collaboration; stakeholder and digital communication; and much more!

The Call for Proposals for the conference opens in January HERE. Presenters can submit proposals for general sessions focused on one of the five strands above. While the final deadline for submissions is March 15th, 2013, presenters will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis starting 
February 1st, 2012. There is a motivation for early submission and acceptance, as presenters schedule their own presentation times as a part of the process and the options become more limited as time goes on.

As a conference that is focused on being participatory, we encourage new presenters as well as more experienced ones to submit to present.

International Advisory Board:

Anyone can apply to be a member of the international advisory board. Advisory board members are recognized on the website and are asked to:

  • Promote both participation and attendance at the conference
  • Help us find partner organizations in their region(s)
  • Help support and potentially train presenters in their geographical region
  • If possible, help moderate sessions during the actual conference

To sign up for the advisory board, please make sure you have joined the Admin 2.0 online network, and then join the advisory board group HERE.

Conference Partner Organizations:

Our current list of sponsors and partners is here. Whether you are a small school or a multi-national non-profit organization, we want to encourage you to become a conference partner. You must be non-commercial and primarily or substantively focused on school leadership to be approved. Once approved, your organization will be listed with a link, logo, and a short description; and you will be provided with a "spotlight" speaker session in the conference.

Our goal for the conference is to have it be a milestone event, bringing together organizations and individuals from all over the world. We recognize that much (if not most!) of the outreach for this conference will come from schools and organizations who advertise the conference to their memberships, and we want to recognize and "reward" those who do this!

There are no financial obligations for being a partner organization--all we ask is that you actively promote the conference to your membership and network, and encourage participation as well as presentations and submissions. To apply to be a conference partner organization, please make sure you have joined the Admin 2.0 online network, and then join the partner group HERE.

Conference Sponsors:

There are opportunities for commercial sponsorship of the School Leadership Summit, and both recognition and authentic appreciation for financial support will be given to those who choose to sponsor. Sponsorship levels and benefits can be discussed with Steve Hargadon directly or 916-283-7901.

More Information:

The School Leadership Summit's founding sponsor is TICAL, a Statewide Educational Technology Services Project funded by the California Department of Education and Arkansas Department of Education under the auspices of the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. TICAL's mission is helping K-12 school leaders provide informed and effective leadership in the use of technology to improve education.

We are looking forward to this fun event, and to your participation! For further updates, please join the Admin 2.0 network and follow the conference hashtag #sls13.

Thank you for your interest!

Steve Hargadon
Founder and Co-Chair

Jason Borgen
Program Director
TICAL, Santa Cruz County Office of Education

Rowland Baker
Executive Director
TICAL, Santa Cruz County Office of Education

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